Tips, Tools, & Drills for Middles

Middles, often referred to as middle blockers or middle hitters depending who you talk to, are the unsung heroes of volleyball. They play a crucial role in both defense and offense, forming the heart of the team's block and being a key part of the quick attack. To excel in this position, middle blockers need a unique skill set and a deep understanding of the game. In this article, we'll discuss some essential tips to help middle blockers become dominant forces on the volleyball court.

1. Perfect Your Blocking Technique: Blocking is the primary responsibility of middle blockers. Work on your blocking technique, including your timing, staying athletic in your stance, elbows up, hand placement open, and penetration over the net with NO slapping. A well-executed block can disrupt the opponent's attack and provide your team with an advantage.

2. Quick Footwork: Middles need to move rapidly to transition from defense to offense and cover a significant portion of the court. Focus on quick footwork by having your knees slightly bent in an athletic stance to help with lateral movement to be where you're needed to block or hit effectively.

3. Anticipate the Setter: Pay close attention to the opposing team's setter. Anticipating their decisions can give you a head start in blocking or attacking. This skill comes with experience and studying the game.

4. Communication is Key: Effective communication is essential for a middle blocker. Keep your team informed about the blockers' positioning, especially when you make a block or anticipate a tip. Clear communication prevents defensive breakdowns.

5. Develop a Fast Arm Swing: Middle blockers not only block but also attack. Work on developing a quick and powerful arm swing to surprise the opposing blockers and find open spots in the defense. Also learn to hit outside the block where there is more open court and less of a block. A fast arm swing and smart angles can lead to successful kills.

6. Train for Quick Transitions: Middles must transition swiftly from defense to offense. Practice this transition in drills and work on your ability to be ready for a quick attack after a block or a defensive dig.

7. Understand Setter Preferences: Get to know your team's setter and their tendencies. Knowing where and how the setter likes to deliver the ball can help you position yourself for effective attacks.

8. Study the Game: Learn the strategies and tactics of volleyball. Understanding offensive and defensive plays, as well as the game's overall dynamics, can make you a more effective middle blocker.

9. Maintain Mental Toughness: Middles often face challenging situations, such as facing strong hitters or dealing with hitting errors. Stay mentally tough, maintain focus, and be prepared to make quick adjustments during the game.

10. Work on Your Serve: While serving is not a primary role for middle blockers, a strong and consistent serve can be a valuable asset. A well-placed serve can disrupt the opponent's reception and create scoring opportunities.

Conclusion: Middle blockers are the linchpin of a successful volleyball team. They need to be skilled in blocking, attacking, and transitioning effectively. By focusing on these tips, perfecting their technique, and developing their all-around game, middle blockers can become dominant forces on the court, helping their teams secure victories and excel in the sport.
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