List of the TOP Volleyball Recruiting sites

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Help your child get an opportunity to play Volleyball in College?

Helping your child play volleyball in college requires a combination of support, preparation, and guidance. Here are some tips for volleyball parents who want to assist their child in achieving this goal:

1. **Start Early:** Begin the college volleyball recruitment process early. Typically, this begins in a player's sophomore or junior year of high school.

2. **Skill Development:** Encourage your child to continually work on improving their volleyball skills. Consider hiring a private coach or enrolling them in advanced training programs.

Note: Work on their Vertical
Click Here for FREE Work Out Plans to Increase your Vertical. By increasing their vertical, it will give your child an edge over the others for positions like hitter and setter. it's also good for college recruiting as some schools look at "Aproach Jump" and "Standing Jump".

3. **Academic Excellence:** Emphasize the importance of academics. College coaches often look for student-athletes with strong grades and standardized test scores.

4. **Club Volleyball:** Consider club volleyball programs that provide exposure to college coaches. These teams often travel to tournaments scouted by college recruiters.

5. **Attend Showcases and Camps:** Encourage your child to attend college volleyball showcases, camps, and tournaments where they can be seen by recruiters.

6. **Create a Highlight Video:** Develop a highlight video that showcases your child's best plays and skills. Share this video with college coaches.

7. **Contact College Coaches:** Have your child send introductory emails to college coaches expressing their interest in playing for their program. Include the highlight video and relevant statistics.

8. **Build a Recruiting Profile:** Create a recruiting profile for your child on recruiting websites or platforms that college coaches use. Include their athletic and academic information, stats, and video. Here is a list of some recruiting sites:
List of the TOP Volleyball Recruiting sites

9. **Balanced Schedule:** Ensure your child maintains a balanced schedule that includes not only volleyball but also academics, rest, and a social life. College coaches look for well-rounded athletes.

10. **Listen to Coaches:** Encourage your child to actively listen to their high school and club coaches. College coaches often seek players who can adapt to different coaching styles.

11. **Be Realistic:** Help your child set realistic expectations. Not every player will secure a full scholarship to a Division I program, so explore all college volleyball opportunities.

12. **Visit Campuses:** Plan visits to colleges and universities that interest your child. Attend games and meet with coaches to get a sense of the program and the campus environment.

13. **Seek Advice:** Consult with current or former college athletes, as well as high school and club coaches, for advice on the recruiting process.

14. **Stay Informed:** Keep up-to-date with NCAA or other relevant athletic association rules and regulations regarding college recruitment.

15. **Financial Considerations:** Discuss financial aspects with your child, including scholarship opportunities, tuition costs, and other expenses related to playing in college.

16. **Stay Patient:** The recruitment process can be lengthy and competitive. Be patient and persistent in your efforts.

Remember that the recruitment process can vary greatly depending on your child's skill level, the level of play they are aiming for, and the region. Being proactive, well-prepared, and supportive can greatly improve your child's chances of playing volleyball in college.

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