Here’s a list of volleyball drills that can help improve various aspects of your volleyball game:

• Pepper Drill: A two-player passing and hitting drill to improve ball control.

• Underhand - 10 times back and forth
• Overhandhand (setting)- 10 times back and forth
• Underhand, overhand - 10 times back and forth
• Front set to self, Backset to partner - 10 times back and forth
• Underhandhand, Tip to partner - 10 times back and forth
• Underhandhand, Downball to partner - 10 times back and forth
• Pepper back and forth (Underhand, Overhand, then downball)

• Triangle Passing: Three players form a triangle to practice accurate passes.

• Underhand - 10 times back and forth
• Overhandhand (setting)- 10 times back and forth
• Underhand, overhand - 10 times back and forth

• Serving-Passing: Focuses on serving and receiving serves.

• Serve 20 balls trying to get to all 3 passers. You can have others shag or even help serve.

• Downball Defense: Practice digging downballs with controlled passes.

• Have a line of 4-5 diggers and have them dig 5 balls each. You can also count perfect balls to give the Drill more focus.

• Passing Movement: Shuffle in front the side while the coach tosses a ball to the center of the court and passes to the target in the center of the net. Work on platform angles and face where the ball is coming from.

• Have a line of 4-5 diggers and have them dig 5 balls each. You can also count perfect balls to give the Drill more focus.

... or have them shuffle out to the sideline:

• Serve Receive: Focus on receiving tough serves and angles. One line drop your left shoulder and pass too the left inside, then the other line drop your right shoulder and pass to the right inside.


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