Teaching Defensive Techniques: Volleyball Digging Drills

In volleyball, defensive skills are just as crucial as offensive ones, and digging is a fundamental aspect of a successful defense. Teaching players how to effectively dig the ball requires a combination of sound technique and targeted drills. In this article, we’ll explore the key defensive techniques and dig-specific drills that coaches can use to develop exceptional digging skills in their volleyball players.

1. Digging Technique Fundamentals:
Before diving into drills, it’s essential to establish the core techniques for effective digging:
• Low and Wide Stance: In a balanced, ready position, players should have a low and wide stance with their knees bent. This allows for quick lateral movement.
• **Platform: ** The arms should form a solid platform, with fingers together from one hand lying in the palm of the other as you push your thumbs down in order to create a larger surface area for contact.
• Tracking the Ball: Teach players to watch the ball closely, tracking it from the server’s hand to the point of contact with the attacker’s hand.
• Anticipating the Ball’s Path: Encourage players to anticipate where the ball is likely to go based on the server’s position and the hitter’s approach.

2. Digging Drills:
Now, let’s explore some essential digging drills to develop and enhance players’ defensive skills:
• **Down-the-Line Drill: ** Have a server stand at the baseline and serve balls down the line to the player. The player practices digging with proper platform technique and angles.
• Cross-Court Drill: Similar to the down-the-line drill, but the server targets cross-court as the digger faces where the ball is coming from and angles to the target. Players alternate between digging and quickly transitioning to be ready for the next ball.
• Random Placement Drill: In this drill, a coach or another player feeds balls randomly to different areas of the court. Players must react quickly and apply their digging technique.
• Digging with Target Zones: Set up target zones on the court, and the coach feeds balls to these zones. Players aim to dig the ball into the specified target, improving accuracy.
• **Live Hitting Drill: ** Incorporate live hitting into your practices. Have hitters attack against blockers and defenders, simulating game situations. Players work on digging against real attacks.

3. Controlled Environment Drills:
• Stationary Partner Drill: In pairs, one player tosses balls for the other to dig. This controlled environment allows players to focus on perfecting their platform and tracking the ball.
• Wall Rebound Drill: Players practice digging against a wall. The wall rebounds the ball unpredictably, helping players hone their reaction time and dig placement.

4. Game Situations:
• Game-Like Drills: Incorporate digging into game-like scenarios where players transition from digging to setting or attacking. This helps players adapt to the fast pace of a volleyball match.
• Blocking and Digging Drill: Combine blocking and digging in practice. Blockers attempt to block the hitter, and diggers must cover any potential deflections.


Teaching digging techniques through focused drills is essential for building a strong defensive foundation in volleyball. By emphasizing proper stance, platform, tracking, and anticipation, players can develop the skills needed to excel as diggers. These drills create a dynamic learning environment that simulates game situations and fosters the ability to react quickly and accurately. Ultimately, effective digging contributes to a solid defense, helping teams win crucial rallies and gain the upper hand in competitive volleyball matches.
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